Seafarers have come across a proper medical check-up before they entering into a vessel, but because of anomalies in marine life, there is always a constant risk of getting different maladies. In this case, the lack of health professionals onboard makes the situation even worse. By staying away from home initiate sadness and isolation in seafarers. Seafarers need a better companion at work and recommend developing habits of having a conversation with colleagues, maintain a healthy diet, and always engaged in positive activities like sports, listen to music, also reading could relieve them of excessive stress.

Shipping is an individual working environment of primary features like age, lifestyle, BMI, and physical activities. When compared to onshore residents, seafarers had more rights for medical care and health safety. But, the possibility of having better onboard medical assistance in case of serious pathologies has been becoming a challenge for ages. Due to the fact in the unavailability of medical doctors, limited medical supplies for ship pharmacy enables seafarers in desperate condition. Recent technical advancements also exploring the chances for the development of seafarer’s medical systems. To do this, we developed a seafarer’s Marine Doctor (MD) to help seafarers to generate quality telemedicine services. It can bring a significant advantage in the case of onboard diseases or injuries and allows remote doctors in better pathology assessment.

The studies related to seafarer’s health had concluded all sailing works could not be substantial. Better information on associated risk factors from well-conducted studies could explore the seafarer’s medical problems. Also, it is beyond the expectation to diagnose disease with limited symptomatic information, and shipping staff usually approach ship pharmacy for simple medical problems. In case of emergency, they seek medical advice from a Telemedical Maritime Assistance Service (TMAS) centers. But there is a constant risk for transferring true medical evidence just only through telephone or electronic mails. In such cases, proper use of modern telecommunications and remote medical care technologies could help in favor of seafarer’s health issues.
