The ITF seafarers trust is a charitable maritime trust located in London, United Kingdom. It was established in 1981 by the executive board of the International Transport Worker’s federation, a global federation of transport workers union with over 4.6 million working members. Marine Doctor project greatly supported by ITF with grant number 1276/2018.
The foundation of Centro Internazionale Radio Medico (C.I.R.M.) was founded in 1935, with the aim of providing medical assistance to seafarers, embarked on ships without a doctor on board, of any nationality, sailing on all seas. Its medical services are free of charge and include assistance for any transhipment of the patient on a ship equipped with medical services or, if the distance permits, the removal of the patient by ship or plane for rapid hospitalization.
To carry out this development, offer and management of services in the health sector for merchant naval fleets, CIRM SERVIZI SRL was born in July 2014, a service company of the CIRM International Center for Medical Radio Foundation based in Rome at via dell’Architettura 41.
CIRM SERVIZI SRL has developed various services to provide a valid tool for the armament that allows ships in navigation to fulfill the obligations deriving from the MLC 2006.
The University of Camerino is a university located in Camerino, Italy. It is the best university in Italy among those with fewer than 10,000 students, according to the Guida Censis Repubblica 2011 and 2012 ranking. It claims to have been founded in 1336 and was officially recognized by the Pope in 1727.
TelePharmaTec srl is a spin-off of the University of Camerino, born with the aim of developing, producing, researching and marketing innovative products and services with a high technological value in the field of remote assistance and tele-pharmacy. All those services and methods that allow us to guarantee health care and pharmacological assistance remotely, thanks to the use of the most modern and up-to-date technologies at our disposal, fall under the name of teleservice and telephone pharmacy.